
Stuffed Hawaiian French Toast Rolls

Delicious squares of French toast with rich vanilla orange cream cheese that are easy to travel with, eat with your hands without a mess and taste way better than they look.

Cranberry Orange Bundt Cake

12 tbsp Soften Unsalted Butter 2 cups granulated sugar 1/3 cup of granulated sugar for sugared cranberries 2 tsp pure vanilla extract 1 teaspoon pure orange extract 3 large eggs room temperature 3 cups all-purpose flour 2 tbsp all-purpose flour to coat cranberries 1...

Keto Egg Roll Bowl

Do you want all the flavor of takeout Chinese with none of the guilt and carbs? Once you have this Keto Egg Roll Bowl it will be a permanent addition to the weekly menu.

Perfect Asparagus

Enjoy all the benefits of Asparagus including the great taste when cooked properly.

Power Protein Greek Chicken Salad

Power Protein Greek Chicken Salad

Do you want a summertime rich vegetable pasta with all the flavor but none of the carbs and pasta but all the same flavor? Power protein greek chicken salad is the perfect solution for any summer party or get together.

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Peach Tree Strong Tea

Peach Tree Strong Tea

In the spirit of the Long Island Ice Tea the Peach Tee Strong Tea is a woody, sweet and rich southern take on the idea. As with most drinks of this nature everything is 1oz but in this case it is shaken over ice and poured into a blue mason jar and enjoyed with a strong breeze of honeysuckle and warm sun if you can find some…

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Banana Flan

Banana Flan

Add rich flavor to any meal or party with a quick, delicious and easy banana flan that is sure to impress.

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Jack White Rider Guacamole

Jack White Rider Guacamole

Jack White of the White Stripes reportedly had a contract rider that required fresh guacamole at all of his shows and it included a recipie if the venue had no idea how to make guac.

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